And now, with the weather, here's Leo - Plus, us playing in the rain!

Bom dia to the Buff Boys Coffee friend. Is Leo I am the Buff Boys from Brasil if remember me jejeje. There is lots rain happen today and yesterday. Is very water every place. We have leave the house because of are Canadian friends is come for Hollywood music show. We are stay in much very beautiful hotel.

The cars is go slow with all the waters happen. There is lots wet from the water. The rain is no stop for Wednesday. There is danger when the house falls because water is not happy for it. Is happen in California the mud cover in water.

Is not scare but there is danger for peoples in the rain. They have no home for go to and need help. We are not go anywhere is no allow. I hope they get safe is not good outside. I see mayor is talk TV and she say there is help the people no have home. She is very good before I meet her was nice for me jejeje.

It has lots rain in Brasil but is more big building LosAngeles. My Brasil home is call farm where is no building like LosAngeles and lot of grass trees. In LosAngeles is many car and street for the car. Is much very different my home Brasil.

Everyone is stay in room and is no go there outside now. The Buff Boys Brothers is stay hotel and gym for gym time. There is no trouble is ok. I wish everyone happy day and safe from rain danger time.

Thanks you for read my write and hope is understand for me jejeje beijos to you.