Club Buff Launch Party!
And now, with the weather, here's Leo - Plus, us playing in the rain!

And now, with the weather, here's Leo - Plus, us playing in the rain!

Bom dia to the Buff Boys Coffee friend. Is Leo I am the Buff Boys from Brasil if remember me jejeje. There is lots rain happen today and yesterday. Is very water every place. We have leave the house because of are Canadian friends is come for Hollywood music show. We are stay in much very beautiful hotel.

C Club Buff
Brazilian Carnival: WeHo style!

Brazilian Carnival: WeHo style!

With Brazilian Leo in our lives for nearly four years, we've heard all about the world-famous Carnival festival. It's flashy and over the top and completely not like us. Well, give us some booze and we'll make it work.

C Club Buff
Dogs painting turned into Buff body art

Dogs painting turned into Buff body art

When Charlie, the husky, celebrated his birthday, we had an incredibly fun painting party. (Admittedly, he and Bruno, the golden retriever, are far more artsy than our group.)

C Club Buff
Stripped and painted for Buff-oween

Stripped and painted for Buff-oween

In West Hollywood, Halloween is, like, one of the biggest holidays you can imagine. As night falls, it's reported on local news that upwards of a half-million people flood the streets. And, without counting, that seems about right based on the noise we hear from Buff Loft a few blocks away from Santa Monica Blvd.

C Club Buff
Cowboy Day stripped down: Ride 'em, Buff Boy!

Cowboy Day stripped down: Ride 'em, Buff Boy!

Not to say that Brazilian Leo lived a sheltered life in his rural village but, well, he had a sheltered life in his rural village. So, basic things to us (like, say, seeing and touching a horse) have been a mind-blowing experience for him.

C Club Buff
Co-workers saw my porn vids online

Co-workers saw my porn vids online

Co-workers saw my porn videos online and now I'm embarrassed to be around them. I like my job but I want to quit because it's hard to face them. What should I do?

C Club Buff
No, seriously, it's my mom's bra

No, seriously, it's my mom's bra

It’s natural to be nervous on your first date. It’s an exciting time for a teenager. After all, it could be a lifelong relationship. But, let’s be honest, it’s not. Nevertheless, hours of preparation goes into making it a memorable time for not only you but the date you’re trying to impress.

C Club Buff
Mush, mush: dog sledding adventure

Mush, mush: dog sledding adventure

Bom dia the Buff Boys Coffee Friends. Is Leo from Brasil write for you. Today was special day because I love dog puppies and was surprise for fun. When I was live Brasil I has not see dog puppies before. Is new and learn about this animal when arrival LosAngeles. I meet them from Canada Bruno and Charlie. They live in a house and will play there. When I was learn English and nobody is understand me, I was talk to Bruno and he listen and learn what I have tell him. When I was sad because my family is away I call for him to sit with me and it is nice.

C Club Buff
Ho-ho-hooooooly, what an amazing display

Ho-ho-hooooooly, what an amazing display

They probably have more Christmas lights on display than I have ever seen before. At least 100,000 of them at the Houstonian Hotel. In addition to all of the Christmas decorations, they also feature amazing holiday treats and even local entertainment. On this particular night, area students were getting up and singing songs while the crowd sung along, tapped their feet and clapped to the music.

C Club Buff
That's one way to end bad sex

That's one way to end bad sex

It’s one thing to endure bad sex. It’s another thing to force yourself into focusing on what’s happening. Not to say that you’ll nod off but it’s not difficult to see how the mind could wander.

C Club Buff
Under the table, he still came

Under the table, he still came

We’ve all been in situations where we don’t want to run into someone – a specific someone – THAT someone. Maybe it’s an ex or a family friend and you know it’ll be awkward when you cross paths. So, you do what you can to avoid it.

C Club Buff
Movie review: The Wizard of Oz (with costumes!)

Movie review: The Wizard of Oz (with costumes!)

Bom dia the Buff Boys Coffee friend. Is me Leo of Brasil. I will tell you the movie I see the before day. Is called Wizard Of Odds and is girl that is lose her family because there is old person takes the dog puppy. She is no nice and the girl makes cry. The weather makes it bad for girl and takes away. But she is go vacation to colorful place of the small peoples. They make sing for dance and is good the girl.

C Club Buff
A hard nut to crack but they did it

A hard nut to crack but they did it

I've been to the theatre many times but never the ballet. I had no idea what to expect with the Houston Ballet. I read some reviews about the annual production of The Nutcracker and found out this is a "new" version of the old show. What exactly did that mean? I had no idea. But I did find out that it is a $5 million production. For the price tag alone I was excited to see what was in store.

C Club Buff
Just the Phipp...s

Just the Phipp...s

It is hard to say in one breath (try it, I dare you) but we're at the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens Winter Flower Show and Light Garden: Holiday Magic. The place has been transformed into an indoor winter wonderland with lights and flowers everywhere. Do you know how many thousands of poinsettias there are here? Really, do you know? I had to ask. Check out the interview on the next page.

C Club Buff
Up against the wall and spread 'em

Up against the wall and spread 'em

We’ve all been tempted to steal at some point in our life. Whether we did it or not is another story. For our little Tanner, he has a habit of stealing without realizing it. (Allegedly. Do we have to say allegedly so he doesn’t get charged with something?)

C Club Buff
Going on rides and winning a prize

Going on rides and winning a prize

Who knew you could go to an outdoor amusement park in Pittsburgh in December? Kennywood (don't think it's like Dollywood -- name is a coincidence, I'm told) really does deliver in the winter. True story: There was a duet of Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers playing when we got here.

C Club Buff
Twice the ice is nice

Twice the ice is nice

At first I thought things wouldn't be very festive in Pittsburgh since there was no snow in December. But the outdoor Christmas market took me right into the holiday spirit. Was this my chance to finally see Santa? Keep reading!

C Club Buff
Flipp is no flop

Flipp is no flop

With the cost of everything going up, it's no surprise that consumers are constantly looking to save money by any means necessary. While bargain hunting used to require customers go store to store or flip through advertisements in the newspaper, technology has made saving money much easier.

C Club Buff
Brewing up flavors... that aren't coffee

Brewing up flavors... that aren't coffee

Anyone who has their own kitchen has picked up some gadget they thought would be a game changer. They religiously use it for a week or two and then it’s forgotten because the novelty wears off. That's exactly what happened with our SodaStream Terra.

C Club Buff
To be a fly on the wall for this

To be a fly on the wall for this

Ben is the strong silent type. You’re more likely to catch him reading a book in the bath than you are to see him raging on the dancefloor of a sweaty nightclub. Either lying in silence or to the strings of classical music, Ben stays calm… unless something breaks his focus.

C Club Buff
You see how that could be creepy, right?

You see how that could be creepy, right?

Always the back-up singer and never the headliner. That’s the story of Drew’s life. Once Drew discovered musicals, his life was one big song – whether you wanted to hear it or not. For the most part, it’s the latter.

C Club Buff