Going on rides and winning a prize

Who knew you could go to an outdoor amusement park in Pittsburgh in December? Kennywood (don't think it's like Dollywood -- name is a coincidence, I'm told) really does deliver in the winter. True story: There was a duet of Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers playing when we got here.

If there is one thing that takes me back to being a kid it is playing carnival games. Competing against strangers and being able to do a victory dance when you win a plush toy is still my favourite thing to do.

Kennywood boasts 2 million Christmas lights in the holiday display. 

The lineups weren't too long to get on the rides. And even with the wait, there was music to dance to. And don't get me started about the smell of food. I highly recommend the pizza.

Naturally I had to go on the carousel. Admittedly, times have changed because I don't remember seeing so many people on their phones on this thing when I was a kid. Then again, only rotary phones existed so you'd need a really long cord to make it work with all the spinning.
There is an opportunity to visit with Santa while at Kennywood.
