Meet the Brew Crew

Operating out of Buff Loft in West Hollywood, our group of frat-boys-turned-coffee enthusiasts is constantly brewing up fun and occasionally selling our premium java roasts and exquisite tea blends. As if working together wasn’t enough, the gang shares living quarters that offers no shortage of viral moments – that play out at Club Buff. We've been spotted around town -- and featured on TV as a SoCal favorite coffee -- so there's always something happening with the group.

The Club Buff lifestyle and entertainment app showcases our interests and hobbies that you've been following on Instagram for nearly four years.

Welcome to da club!


They’re the dimples you fall in love with on KTLA for National Coffee Day. (Did you hear we were named a SoCal fave?) This OG Buff Boy brings his smile, hair and low to moderate marketing knowhow to the social media content. When Colin isn’t looking in the mirror and attempting to count 50 brush strokes of his perfectly coifed hair, he can be seen fussing over it while riding the waves at California beaches – and screaming like a girl if it ever gets wet.


Our newest recruit, though with the gang for over two years, Gabe’s fashion sense is one to be… found. From his weird hats to his infamous brush-cut haircut that had him prohibited from sitting with the group in public for four months, Gabe’s look is always a surprise – good or bad. An aspiring photographer whose favorite subject is himself, this shutterbug is the creative force behind our recent re-Buff look and vibe. We’re grateful his previous fashion tragedies didn’t tarnish the full-haired campaign.


From one of the tiniest villages in Brazil, you never know what’ll come out of Leo’s mouth. And that’s not only because he barely speaks English, it’s because he’s just catching on to the Los Angeles lifestyle – and it hasn’t tainted him too much… yet. Plucked from rural poverty, Leo began his modeling work along side one of Buff’s owners in their native land. Leo made the jump and started his new life in America when our coffee party started in 2021. There’s no second guessing with Leo because he’ll ensure he consults everyone at least six times before making a decision – long after we each thought he already left to do the nightly snack run. Leo’s minimal-speaking role includes pickup and delivery of shipments to our corporate partners.


The ginger of the group but we’re slowly accepting him, Tanner is our Palm Springs and San Francisco guy. Rarely with us in West Hollywood, Tan spends a lot of time in the sun hoping to naturally change his hair color. No luck so far.  Sigh. He initially started in WeHo but quickly realized he enjoyed the van lifestyle – as most waiter-turned-actor-turned-waiter-turned-“influencer”-turned-Only Fans-models in L.A. do. Tan appreciates the open road and spends his time exploring all of California’s terrain, from desert to valley to mountain to beach. He will leave with a backpack full of whatever he needs to survive for weeks and comes back with stories to tell and chronically orange hair of which there seems to be no natural cure.


The guy at the party with every useless fact you’ve never wanted to know, Drew can talk about anything. Whether or not it’s true, he believes it and will keep telling you until you go along with it. (He could almost be president.) With no shortage of opinions to share, Drew’s mouth will give your patience a run for its money. And while he doesn’t beat you over the head with his endless commentary, violence will cross your mind in due course. With his resourcefulness and relentless persistence, Drew handles the logistics of our operations through Southern California and Chicago.


When something happens in Buff Loft, Randal is the megaphone to let everyone know – day or night. As the youngest of three kids – ah, now it makes sense – Randal honed his blabbermouthery to get attention in a crowded household, thus he fits in perfectly at Buff Loft. Being the talker and schmoozer that he is, Randal works closely with our coffee and tea co-packers to ensure Buff products remain premium quality and continue to follow regulatory guidelines. They haven’t told him off yet so he must have a handle on the blah-blah-blah.


The strong silent type is the best way to describe our resident foodie. With split between his home in Long Beach and our West Hollywood kitchen, Ben is the first to offer to cook the group meal and insist we put down the food-delivery apps – yet he still demands a service fee and tip. (Sometimes he settles for just the tip.) As the non-talker of the group (take note, Randal), Ben’s administrative role allows him to keep his head down and stay out of trouble. We’re working on breaking him though. Filing and sorting skills aside (most organized recipe cards ever), Ben never ceases to amaze the group with the endless ways he can incorporate coffee into the food he prepares.

